Thursday, November 25, 2010

Love game...

      Ok.. so we did figure it out that at a certain moment in life we all need somebody. Somebody to sleep with, somebody to love and to love us back. But..let's face it. Life is a game. I don't refer in here at one of that free online games that create a virtual world and life. I mean real games, real life games. Since we were kids we played all kind of games, did all this childhood games had one purpose? - to prepare us for the games we where about to play when we grow?

      I can't bet on that but this might have a point. I mean every day we meet people and we do different kind of activities. We have tasks and even missions. Just like in a game. But what happens when we start to play with love. To play a love game. This might be dangerous. Ok! not only the love game can be dangerous, but all the games. Anyway, we are talking about love right now so let's stick to the love game. 

     Picture that: you meet a guy a nice guy and you would love to have more than one date, more than a one night stand. You even might feel that he is THE ONE. At this point you start to wonder: should I call him?, should I wait for his call?, should I act busy and unavailable?..should I..should I. And of course you call all your friends, meet them and talk a lot about this new guy. You even make a plan. Like a battle plan. You are very sure about what you must do about this situation and even your friends gave you some great advices. Ok you are prepared to play this game. Stick to your plan and don't listen to your feelings..those usually cause only trouble. And very important hope or even pray that HE won't play a dirty game. If so.. your hole plan must change and you must reconsider everything.

      You have your best lines, your best outfit the hair looks great and your face never looked brighter. You are ready to start the game. The first move is decisive. Good luck! but keep that in mind: this is not one of that free online games, that you used to play. It is a real life game - your game! 

              Make smart moves and win the game!

                                                                                                       With love, 
                                                                                                                    Sarah C.

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